Chesterfield to Preston and Everything In Between

Yesterday, 29th March 2013, Good Friday, Jen and myself decided to go on a trip.  Well, when I say decided, it was a case of, I had to go to Chroley to take a part to a customer, and asked if she fancied a trip and go to either Manchester or Preston afterwards.

En route to Chorley we had to pass through Stockport!  This was a first to me.  My god, what a poor road system they have! Roads are 2 lanes in each direction, despite not really being wide enough for it, people do what they like, and everywhere is 30/40mph!  Even rural roads!

Not long after 10am, we arrive in Chorley and drop off a package.  We then stopped into the Morrisons they have in town for a brew.  Whilst there, we decided to go into Preston using their Park & Ride service.  If I remember correctly, we parked up win Walton le Dale. En route from Chorly to Park & Ride, we spotted a few nice motors, the first being a bright orange Lamborghini Mucilago, followed later by a Carrera 4S, and then finally, a classic Aston Martin Vantage.

We spent a few hours in Preston, and it seems a very nice place.  Not overly massive, not to small, but nice. Is this place really classed as a City?  I swear Chesterfield is bigger.

Anyway, once finished, we spent 15minutes trying to find our where to get the Park & Ride back.  If anything let Preston down, this was it!  A huge lack of signs, same in their shopping malls (St Georges IIRC), no obvious signs for facilities such as toilets.

Eventually, we found the correct bus stop, collected the car, and headed home.  Now, if Stockport was bad at 9-9:30am-ish going to Chorley, then this must have been defined as hell!  People really don't care.  No-one indicates, folk either go 20mph or 120mph.  And then you get silly girl racers in their Minis.  Ok, I used plurals there, it was one girl in one Mini.  Weaving in and out of traffic, how she didn't cause an accident is beyond me.  The best part is, we passed her 3 times as she would look to undertake/overtake, but then get stuck in traffic, before repeating the process!

All in all, the drive was ok there and back (exlcuding the Stockport leg), Preston seems nice enough, and the weather was nice.  What more could you ask for on a bank holiday weekend.


  1. Stockport is a horror. It's one of the reasons for avoiding Manchester airport.

    Chesterfield is bigger then we realise sometimes, in Derbyshire only Derby is bigger.

  2. Indeed. I kept saying to Jen that I'm sure chesterfield is classed as one of the largest towns in the UK.


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