Editing My NYC Footage

A thread if anyone is interested...
Here are my timelines so far... And I've not even started on Thursday yet. Over 100Gb, and 215 files! 85Gb (about 165 files) are in 4k! The rest is 2.7k.

Looks like Saturday I was chopping and deleting, and not really touched Sunday yet... Monday and Tuesday about done, and Wednesday afternoon is done...
All I'm doing here is trying to clip parts that I want and don't want (moving them down to V1 to indicatte I don't want, and moving up to V3 and V4 if I do want to use a clip....
I then will drop all of these into a "highlights" sequence, and copy over just the clips on V3 and V4. Then I'll play them back in more detail and begin to assemble some sort of order, and sync to some music, before finally doing some colour correction.


  1. I've just realised I still haven't yet imported the videos from my Phone... Again, all in 4k, recorded on a Samsung Galaxy S6 - mainly quick clips, food and random shizzle.

    Just checked, there are a further 88 clips (short-ish ones) at 5Gb..


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