Wedding Planning

So you may know, we got engaged in November 2014 with a date set in September 2018 - so 4 years to plan.

It's now the end of 2016 and time is now quickly running out - other than an overall idea of what we want to do, there is no real plan in place. All we knew was that roughly we'd do 10 days in Vegas, 10 days driving and 10 days in NYC (+ or - a day here and there).

A couple of weeks ago we was in Starbucks, and this is the nearest thing we had to some sort of plan:

The main focus on the "Plan" is the driving portion of our adventure. Vegas is all about the wedding, and other than the day itself, there is no plan - just do what we want when we want. The same applies to NYC (with the exception of a few days going to Long Island and New London).

The above was then later put onto the laptop, again in Starbucks - I believe a week or so ago:

This is the first time I've actually been able to "see" what amount of time we'll have where. Yellow is the time spent in Vegas, blue is driving and green is NYC.

Once again, back at Starbucks (this weekend), we looked at adding more detail. But what with crying kids etc, I gave up and came home. This is what I had Friday:

The coloured sections represent driving. In short, the plan was Vegas to Dallas and back to Vegas. Major stops included Albuquerque and Amarillo on the way to Dallas, and on the way back Albuquerque, Sedona & Laughlin. All in all, we just had 1 full day where no driving was planned! A grand total of 2,528 miles or 37 hours 37 minutes of driving!

That just seems crackers.

Roll on this morning and a re-think and re-budget. SWMBO mentioned an idea of flying to NYC from Dallas rather than Vegas. A quick look at prices shows that it's much cheaper. Vegas to  NYC = £260 each, compared to Dallas to NYC being just £80 each! So that partly covers the "one way" fee that the car hire companies like to charge (which is why the original plan was a return trip).

After an hour or so, I had come up with a new driving plan - and as a bonus, I was able to add in Oklahoma City (which last year was something I really wanted to do).

So the new plan is Vegas to Laughlin (90mins), and then get the bulk of the drive done the next day going to Albuquerque (with a stop in Holbrook) which sees us doing 504miles (7hr 19mins). Stay there for the night, then the following afternoon head to Amarillo and stay there for a day. Then to Oklahoma City for 2 nights, followed by Dallas for 3 nights. After the Albuquerque drive, we never have to drive more than 300 miles or over 4 hours again*! Plus this new plan gives us 3 full days with no planned driving!

*Well, Albuquerque to Amarillo is 12 minutes over 4 hours.


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