Stating The Obvious

Good evening all, I hope you have all had a good New Year, and settled back in at work now.

Straight to the point tonight, watching TV about life on Earth and how we couldn't live without the oceans and how the current move oxygen, blah blah blah.  When the narrator then said that Plankton produce around 50% of oxygen on Earth. He then said in the next breath "that's almost as much as all the forest, trees and plants combined".  You don't say! Where else did you think the remaining 50% came from?

That wasn't all, after that, I caught the end of a documentary about the prisoners who escaped from Alcatraz and how bones had been found on a shore nearby. They went on to say that these could belong to "Prisoner X" and will do tests.  About 10 minutes later, after talking about other bits and bobs, they got around to the results. Turned out that they weren't the remains of Prisoner X.  Again, stating the obvious, the narrator said "If the bones don't belong to Prisoner X, then maybe they belong to Prisoner Y or Prisoner Z or some other unknown person". (He gave actual names, but I forgot them lol).  So basically he's narrowed the search down to anyone who has died recently!  Glad Cluedo is on the case here!


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