Project "BBQ Deck House" - Using My Noggin

After a ton of research, I cannot find anywhere that advises on the spacing of what I have recently discovered are called "noggins". My initial plan looked like overkill, and from various online sources some even said you don't need them for decking as the deck itself acts as a noggin.

So, I asked one of the lads at work who is a trained joiner. He said add as many as you like, they just prevent the joists from twisting. So this is what I have mocked up so far (main frame only at the moment).

What I have gone for, starting from the left, is one placed 500mm from either edge, and then another at the halfway point. On the next section, I've gone halfway between 2 noggins to the left. I assume that this would be sufficient?

Or, instead of doing 3,2,3,2 could I get away with 2,1,2,1?


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